Customs & Import Duties
Customs & Import Duties
All import taxes, duties and customs charges are the responsibility of the customer.
If your order requires additional charges you will be notified and required to pay these before your package clears customs.
As a provider of goods we declare the value of the package when shipped and from that point it is with your country’s customs agents to approve, delay or reject your package.
If you refuse to pay these additional charges your order will be shipped back to us and we will offer you a store credit minus the cost of shipping, brokerage fees for attempted deliveries and any return shipping fees. Only once your package has reached us can we issue a refund.
In New Zealand the customs and GST threshold is orders under $1,000 NZD. If your order is over this value you might consider placing two separate orders as the shipping on the separate orders will be less than the customs charges.
On the 1st of July 2021, the EU will be removing the low-value VAT threshold for eCommerce items. This means all EU-bound eCommerce items will be subject to VAT from 1 July 2021. All items from €0-150 will have VAT, formal clearance and customs clearance fees applied. There is no change for items above the €150 threshold – international customers must still pay VAT and customs duties upon import to the EU.